10 Best Video Games Of 2018 You're Not Playing

1. Starlink: Battle For Atlas

starlink game

Currently receiving a VERY bad rap thanks to releasing in fragmented form if you choose to buy physical, Starlink's gameplay is GREAT fun. On Switch you can play enjoy a fully voiced and cutscene'd campaign as Star Fox, essentially making this the best Star Fox game since Star Fox 64, and outside of that, Ubisoft's Saturday-morning-cartoon-meets-No-Man's-Sky-and-Destiny setup is a delight to engage with.

Ship controls are responsive as hell, letting you jostle and circle enemies, pulling off barrel rolls or 180 inverts to get a bead on enemies. Weapons are swapped out at a steady clip so you can rotate through flamethrowers, gravity orbs, gauss machine guns and plenty more, and graphically it's quite remarkable in motion.

Like an old-school arcade shooter done on a massive scale with fun characters and great art design, Starlink is also the first time a triple-A, 4K-ready game on PS4 and Xbox One has looked nigh-on indistinguishable from its Switch counterpart.

Good on the devs, but bad on those horrific pricing policies.


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