10 Best Video Games Of 2019 You Haven't Played

9. Judgment

judgment game

After 6 mainline games and a couple of spin-offs, Sega's Ryu Ga Gotoku studio wanted to take a break from Yakuza.

Thankfully though, they didn't go too far - inverting the standard plot setup of following a criminal through the Karamucho underbelly, and letting you play as a private detective instead.

Of course Takayuki Yagami still knows how to bust heads with high-flying roundhouse kicks and brutally accurate punch-flurries, but combat now has a far more acrobatic edge. You'll be evading far more than before; flipping over assailants or launching off walls for mid-air grapples and finishers.

While all of this is brilliant arcady fun (and the world is loaded with extra activities and minigames), it's the serial killer-meets-past demons plot that's the real show-stealer.

Unshackled from the main Yakuza canon, Judgment's Daredevil-adjacent mix of court room drama and on-the-streets justice is so well done, it deserves to be played by Yakuza fans and newcomers alike.

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