10 Best Video Games Of 2021 (So Far)

9. The Pedestrian

the pedestrian
Shookum Arts

The game I'm going to flag as "nowhere near enough people have played!", The Pedestrian dropped on PS4 and PS5 at the close of January, and is simply one of the most charming, inventive and slickly produced puzzlers out there.

Playing as a tiny stick figure coming to life on a whiteboard, you quickly escape to travel through a ton of real-world environments, with your only means of traversal being signage and electric cables.

Platforming is tight, aided nicely by some custom haptics for the PS5's Dualsense. Puzzles come from zooming out and placing different signs to create connections between doors and ladders, with each area introducing another "rule" that must be factored into collecting items to progress.

Take it from someone who loves a good more-ish puzzler that never gets too hard or obtuse, but remains satisfying throughout, The Pedestrian gets that balance spot on.

Also, where this game goes at the very end comes out of nowhere and is easily one of the moments of the year, but that's for you to hopefully play for yourself.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.