10 Best Video Games Of 2022

8. Citizen Sleeper

citizen sleeper
Jump Over The Age

Its gameplay is almost impossible to "get" through footage alone, but Citizen Sleeper - from writer, designer and artist Gareth Damian Martin - is a top-down, dialogue-driven RPG about the remnants of life on a derelict spaceship, played by rolling dice to trigger every interaction.

With multiple character classes and a ton of endings depending on who you meet, whether you fall into criminal circles or choose to help pay a father/daughter combo escape the station, the greatest quality here is a ludicrously well written script.

Yes, the likes of Disco Elysium set a bar for sheer talented writing taking centre stage in a game, and Citizen Sleeper deserves to be up there too.

So many evocative descriptions and stylish additions to the environment come entirely through text and character portraits, creating a surprisingly effective bond between your slowly dying android, and whoever you're choosing to talk to.

Those dice rolls I mentioned will reset per day, being the result of how well rested your android is; how well certain rolls went the day before, and whether you have access to enough resources to stay in the best shape.

With time ticking down on your body regardless, how you spend it; the friendships you make and the intensity of pulling off a high-risk roll making or breaking certain opportunities, living out your days in Citizen Sleeper backed by Amos Roddy's hauntingly gorgeous score, is one of the most uniquely affecting experiences you can have.

In this post: 
Elden Ring
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