10 Best Video Games Of 2024 You're NOT Playing

9. Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown

NObody wants to die

Literally the best thing Ubisoft have put out in YEARS, the most recent Prince of Persia bombed thanks to marketing focusing too much on the Disney-fied tone of Lost Crown's writing, and an Avengers-like setup for its main set of heroes, over hands-down the slickest platforming of the year, alongside a ton of immediately recommendable factors.

Even if you're completely sick of That One Tone a lot of modern scripts tend to take (which I very much am), The Lost Crown excels entirely through gameplay. 2D platforming sees the camera zoom in for cinematic finishers and boss kills, the skills you unlock are supremely inventive and unique, and Ubisoft Montpellier even included the single best innovation in Metroidvania history: The ability to annotate your in-game map with screenshots of an area, at the touch of a button.

This is just one of those increasingly rare games where a set of talented developers with an indie, gameplay-forward mindset, were allowed to play with the company credit card, resulting in a gorgeous presentation, one particularly killer level where time being frozen means you're platforming across an ocean's waves, and boss fights that feel like a mix of Spider-Verse animation, and the original God of War.

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