10 Best Video Games Of 2024 You're NOT Playing

7. Dragon's Dogma 2

NObody wants to die

Included because yes, Dragon's Dogma 2 eventually climbed to over 2.5 million copies, but its launch was beset by a microtransaction controversy, causing a lot of hesitation around what your money was buying, whether the obtusely rewarding nature of the original was still intact, and just what the hell was happening with so many performance patches across the first month.

Thankfully, spend time with the game and you'll realise the MTX side of things is no different to what Capcom have been doing for years. Devil May Cry 5 and all three Resident Evil remakes have optional progress-skips available, which is absolutely a conversation to be had, as personally I think if you're paying to make the game go away, that's kind of on you.

Point being though, that Dragon's Dogma 2 has the best sense of pure exploration since Elden Ring, and before that, Skyrim. Capcom have crafted an even more intricately clockwork world; one replete with NPCs that have routines, side quests, roaming creatures and enemies that differ depending on time of day, when you talked to a side character, how you approached certain main story missions, and more.

Combat is fantastically weighty and improvisational, with varied classes and team-up moves letting you take down hulking great beasts in style, using every member of your squad. 

Yes, there are tons of quirky, almost anti-player decisions here regarding checkpointing, letting you miss key story quests or even entire character classes, alongside a true ending that's PHENOMENAL, but only 15% of players have, at time of writing. Such a level of risk is something FromSoftware have proven time and again can be a major positive, making each person's playthrough their own, and that's no different here.

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