10 Best Video Games Of 2024 You're NOT Playing

3. Lunar Lander Beyond

NObody wants to die
Dreams Uncorporated

Okay, we need to talk about when a game deserves a remaster, remake or sequel. Because in this case I'm saying that taking something that originally released in 1979, then doing a complete overhaul that maintains the core identity and gameplay from an entire game industry ago, is the absolute peak.

Yes, Lunar Lander Beyond is part of the overall Atari revival I mentioned earlier, but just look at it. Going from the simulation physics of air-to-surface moon landings rendered in wireframe, through to something with a story, cutscenes, multiple pilots and ship-specific specials, plus the mental degradation of your heroes if you're not a good enough flyer, are all genius additions to such a simple, untapped canvas.

While Lunar Lander Beyond's pricing is a bit steep for what it is overall, as an approach to one of the classics, the very idea of reaching back decades rather than, say, doing Horizon Zero Dawn again, means there are so many more blank spaces for ideas worth filling in.

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