10 Best WWE Video Game Covers Ever


wwe 13 cover
Acclaim Entertainment

Wrestling's Rudest And Roughest? Considering this game hit the shelves in the winter of 1994, those are two words that couldn't be further from the truth in terms of what was happening inside a WWF ring at the time.

I'm a huge fan of irony alright? And lies, I love a good pork pie.

For the mid 1990s, the design of this cover is extremely well done. As Royal Rumble showed you earlier in this article, simply putting pre existing photos of Superstars on the cover of a game could go wrong back then. This however is a bit of a masterpiece and just works. The Superstars appearing inside the RAW logo with the vintage visual effects used on top is a great touch. It might be a bit lop sided due to all the details at the bottom of the cover, but I can see past those.

I just can't get away from that tag line though. It would be like WWE of today putting "edgy and hardcore" on the cover of 2K17.

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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.