10 Best Xbox 360 Multiplayer Titles EVER

5. Left 4 Dead

Halo 3

Zombie survival as a concept (or a genre, if you see it that way) is tired. Very tired. Like, "give it a poke with a stick to see if it has any more life left in it or has it actually finally died" kind of tired.

But there's a reason these kinds of games are so popular. The many standout titles that fit into this niche are all great in their own right but Left 4 Dead was an undeniable moment in the Xbox 360's history. Until this point, multiplayer focus had been largely competitive. Left 4 Dead was not only a brilliant co-operative experience, it was entirely designed with that in mind.

Playing with bots was fine but there was nothing quite like playing alongside friends, sharing in the fright turning to excitement of stalking through the likes of Dead Air and coming across a dreaded Witch.

Five scenarios and four characters sounds like a minimal amount of content but what made L4D so entertaining was how varied it could be. The incredible "director" AI measured players' stress levels, spawning enemies and then relaxing at different times and places, making every playthrough feel unique.

These became stories told amongst friends that, more often than not, led to booting the game back up to do it all again.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.