10 Best Xbox One Games Of 2015

1. Rise Of The Tomb Raider

Xbox owners have to make the most of this one while they can, as come the end of the year, Lara's latest will be on PC and PS4 respectively. For now though... "Woohoo!!" and other such rabble-rousing sounds, as Crystal Dynamics have essentially graced Microsoft's console with the Uncharted experience they never knew they wanted. Well, its Uncharted in the most basic sense of movement and explosive set-pieces kicking off every few minutes, anyway. You've got access to some stealthier approaches for encounters, branching level paths that encourage exploration, a dynamic crafting system, some sumptuously gorgeous graphics and cinematic cutscenes that easily rival Naughty Dog's finest - it's a real tour de force. Crystal Dynamics simply needed people to talk about Tomb Raider again, as the 2013 reboot pretty much went under the radar too. Now that - unlike Ubisoft or Activision - is a quality that makes a developer put their all into a final product, resulting in this case, in the best third-person action-adventure of the year. What's the best Xbox One game out so far? Let us know in the comments!
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