10 Best Xbox One Multiplayer Games You Can Play Offline

3. Rare Replay Collection


Great big bundles of retro games can be a a mixed bag, with developers sometimes teasing us with a couple of their biggest hits while packing out the rest with crap we don't really want, like those sham health drinks with about 0.5% goodness and 99.5% sugar (always read the nutritional information, kids).

That's not the case with Rare Replay, which is quite possibly the biggest and best-presented games collection package of all time (it even has its own musical intro featuring all the characters!). Best of all, of the 30 games in the collection, 21 have local multiplayer. These games range from the extremely retro stuff you're likely to only play out of historical curiosity, like Jetpac, Sabre Wulf, and Gunfright, right through to X360 launch games Viva Pinata and Perfect Dark Zero, by way of N64 gems that on the multiplayer front include Conker's Bad Fur Day, Killer Instinct Gold, Perfect Dark, and Jet Force Gemini.

As you'd expect, all these games have been upscaled and remastered, so look and play better than ever. While nostalgia will no doubt be a factor in huddling around this collection, these revamped versions hold up surprisingly well after all these years on the gameplay front. A perfect panoply of retro multiplayer fun from one of the erstwhile great video game developers.


Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.