10 Biggest Disappointments Of E3 2014

2. The Last Guardian Is Alive, But Doesn't Appear

Just a couple of days before E3, IGN posted a completely incorrect article that stated that The Last Guardian - the spiritual sequel to Shadow of the Colossus that's been in development since the dinosaurs roamed the Earth - had been quietly cancelled. This prompted those working on the team to emerge from the woodwork of secrecy and state that this wasn't correct and the game was still being worked on in some capacity. Could it be that the Guardian was finally coming to show his face once more? With the PS4 out now and all the tools to make the game as awesome as it needs to be, it seemed likely. Heck, it even seemed plausible. Gamers held their breath all the way through Sony's conference and then, when Uncharted 4 was shown, they all sighed and immediately took to the internet to shout 'WHERE WAS THE LAST GUARDIAN?!' Much like Half Life 3, this game has almost become mythical. This was a title that was meant to be out early in the Playstation 3's life cycle, and we're now in the first year of the PS4's, meaning the wait for those who loved Colossus has been agonising. We're calling it now; next year.* *Yeah right. Dream on.
In this post: 
Fallout 4
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.