Console: NeoGeo Funniest quote: "Oooh. You make me so angry, ya big silly." For its sheer quantity of side-splittingly hilarious translation cock ups, Fatal Fury Special is the clear winner. Because there are so many, here's some of the campest, strangest, and least threatening character introductions in the game, presented in list form: "Wubba, wubba. I'm in the pink today, boy!" Oooh. You make me so angry, ya big silly." "Your fists of evil are about to meet my steel wall of niceness." "Challenge me? Ya hot, spunky kid. I hate spunk." "Oooh. You make me so flustered." "Blood is thick, but syrup's thicker. Think about it." "I may be old, but I still have... Hmm, I forgot what I have." All of these examples are being said by what are supposed to be big, scary fighters, making it all more surreal. The great thing about Fatal Fury Special's character introductions is that they're all technically correct (except perhaps for the phrase "wubba, wubba"). It perfectly highlights the need for translators to have an understanding of the language as a whole, to avoid sentences that just read like a jumble of disjointed words. There have been some brilliant mistranslations throughout gaming history, but nothing can compare to the ridiculous phrases exclaimed by the roster of surprisingly camp fighters in Fatal Fury Special.