10 Biggest Lies Told By The Gaming Industry

8. It€™s Sand-Box

Dishonored 7 Why the Sand-Box genre has exploded like an I.E.D over the last few years is strange to me as it is an expensive gamble to make if you balls it up. This is why a lot of developers say that their new title is a Sand-Box experience, when in the real world; it€™s nothing more than a linear story with some optional side missions. And, that€™s okay; there isn€™t a problem with having a linear story if it is crafted well, but developers are always thinking long term. And, if we aren€™t playing their titles X amount of months down the road, the whole game was a waste of time - and more importantly - money. The most comical use of the Sand-Box genre was when I heard over the hills that Dishonored was going to be Sand-Box€ Come on, apart from being a terrible crappy looking title; it was undoubtedly not a Sand-Box is any sense of the word. Dishonored isn€™t the only example of developers being a little naughty and it will definitely not be the last; and that fact makes me a little upset. Luckily, gamers are getting bored of every bloody title carrying the Sand-Box name and I'm hoping, developers will see this and get their act together.
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Thomas James Hunt is a British Video Game Critic who is a rather unpleasant character in the journalism world. So brace yourself for some nasty behaviour in the form of articles.