10 Biggest Missed Opportunities In Fighting Game History

1. Never Getting ONE Good Star Wars Fighting Game

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Star Wars! It's an IP so huge that you could travel to the deepest, darkest depths of the world and still find people saying, "may the force be with you". Part of what makes the series so all-encompassing is its dominance over every entertainment medium, including movies, novels, comics and, naturally, gaming.

LucasArts has a massive presence in the gaming industry and has created a boundless amount of Star Wars video games. Are they all good? Well, no, of course not. But there are still tonnes of fantastic Star Wars titles to delve into. Despite this, there's one avenue that the franchise has yet to capitalise on, which is a shame as it could completely nail it.

After over four decades of existence, Star Wars has only seen one mainline fighting game (Masters of Teräs Käsi), but this woeful title was sluggish, dull and slow. The series has had similar leaps into the genre from there, including but not limited to character appearances in Soul Calibur IV and the Revenge of the Sith versus mode. But, no official fighting title has come since.

It seems the only great Star Wars fighters are (like Sonic) fan-made, with the stellar Force Combat showing how bankable a game like this could be.

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