10 Biggest Reasons To Own A Dreamcast In 2019

4. Best Versions Of Iconic Games

Dreamcast console

What some of the Dreamcasts finest titles have lost in terms of exclusivity, they retain in terms of quality.

The NAOMI hardware in Sega’s arcade titles at the time was replicated in the Sega Dreamcast, allowing for easy conversion of Sega’s fine arcade library. Plenty of these have been converted to other consoles, but they’ll only run perfectly on the identical hardware of the Dreamcast.

Excellent titles such as Crazy Taxi are superior on Dreamcast, not to mention retaining the licensing that adds to the atmosphere of the world itself. Other titles such as Power Stone 1 and 2 are much more enjoyable on a home console, rather than in handheld format, too.

Unique titles like Sega Bass Fishing and Samba Di Amigo get a lot of their playability from the unique peripherals used to control them, and ports even to the Wii, which has a similar, if generic, controller to play them just weren’t as warmly received.

Some would even argue that the ports of Shenmue on superior hardware lack the charm of the Dreamcast original.

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