10 Biggest Video Game Financial Disasters This Generation

2. Metal Gear Survive

Metal Gear Survive

Metal Gear Survive was never going to be successful. Why Konami pushed forward with the franchise, so soon after their public falling out with series creator Hideo Kojima, is baffling, as is transforming the series into a zombie survival game.

It was kind of a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't though: had the developers created a proper sequel, fans would have revolted for doing it without the original team, while a spin-off would avoid this but equally receive ire for being pointless, and losing the franchise's identity.

Either way, only the hardcore of hardcore fans picked up the game out of curiosity, and realised it was essentially just a husk for Konami to shift microtransactions. The game only sold 100,000 copies in its first week on sale, and to this day has an estimated lifetime total of less than 500,000.

Hell, it flopped so hard, Konami didn't even bother mentioning it during the following earnings report.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3