10 Biggest WTF Moments In Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth

7. The Bald Bar

final fantasy vii rebirth

Shave it clean and make it gleam,

Gleam like the midday sun.

Buff it fine and make it shine,

Shine bright for everyone!

Of all the things fans were expecting out of Rebirth, an ode to baldness was not one of them.

The above song - extolling the virtue of proper scalp care - is weird in and of itself, but it's the context its sung in that makes it peak WTFery. While looking for squadmates to perform in a military parade you've been shanghaied into directing - as you do - players will spot recurring boss character Rude enter a bar. You can then follow him and discover that he's a member of a baldies-only bar, whose members enjoy nothing more than a drink and a sing-song over the virtues of a follicle-free life.

It's such an out of left field moment, especially for the perpetually stoic Rude, but it's emblematic of one of Rebirth's biggest strengths. The writers do a great job in granting every character more depth than they had in the original FF7, and they often do so in the most surprising ways.

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