10 Biggest WTF Moments In Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth

6. Tifa And The Whale

final fantasy vii rebirth

The original Final Fantasy VII introduced the concept of Weapons - creatures created by the dying planet in order to protect itself from the lifeforms that were killing it (a.k.a. humans). The Weapons themselves were a group of Evangelion-inspired creatures that looked imposing back in their blocky PS1 forms, so FF fans were eager to see what they'd look like in their shiny new PS5 incarnations.

As such, it's safe to say more than a few players were nonplussed when the Weapons were redesigned as... whales. Whales with a big green orb in the middle of their stomachs. Fortunately, Square-Enix somewhat redeemed this disappointing redesign when they decided to reinterpret the classic tale of Jonah and the Whale, with fan favourite Tifa taking the place of ol' Joe.

After Tifa is assaulted by a possessed Cloud, one of the Whalepons swallows the unfortunate bartender to allow her to convalesce inside its magic stomach. Things get even weirder from there, as being inside the Weapon allows Tifa a glimpse the planet's memories, ultimately resulting in her witnessing a literal battle between good and evil taking place at the very core of the planet.

It's a very trippy scene - reminiscent of Osamu Tezuka's Phoenix - and an especially memorable moment in an especially memorable game.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.