10 Board Games You Must Play During Isolation

3. Smash Up!

Jules Dice 2

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Smash up is a rare sort of tabletop game in that it plays best with just two people. It’s really easy to pick up as well seeing as there are only 2 different types of card to worry about (‘minions’ and ‘actions’), and all the instructions are clearly written on each card.

The game involves each player shuffling two 20-card decks of different ‘factions’ into one master-deck. Players use this master deck to score points against their opponent by taking over bases. Yet here's the twist, each faction has different mechanics to enable them to score points, and you need to think about which decks to use to compliment each other.

For example you might have a deck that's not good at damaging opponents but great at moving them to different bases, or a deck which allows you to regenerate your creatures. By picking carefully the synergies you can create are utterly glorious, and each core box set comes with 8 decks meaning 64 combinations right off the bat!

And the best part? Is that bar a few notable exceptions the game is completely balanced and fair, meaning that you will WANT to try out all the different factions and even when you lose, you'll be laughing at the brilliant art style and ridiculous combinations.

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