10 Breathtaking Video Game Moments We'll NEVER Forget

8. The Giraffes - The Last Of Us

tlou giraffes
Naughty Dog

The post-apocalypse can be terrifying, as seen in many video games. But this Last of Us scene shows that (to borrow a trick from Undertale) despite everything, there's always beauty in the world. 

It's safe to say that Joel and Ellie get put through the wringer throughout The Last of Us. This lovable duo go through some of the worst things imaginable, but they always struggle along. However, there is one memorable moment of respite where Ellie catches something beautiful. 

As you approach the game's climax, a scene will play out where a dishevelled Ellie suddenly gets a burst of energy and chases after something you can't see. Eventually, you spot what brought on her fit of passion - a herd of giraffes migrating into the city. You even get a chance to get close to one as beautiful music swells. 

Naturally, Troy Baker (Joel) and Ashley Johnson (Ellie) play the scene to perfection and easily convey the significance of this encounter. It's a touching sequence that gives you a sense of hope within this hopeless world.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!