10 Brilliant Sequels That Saved Dying Video Game Franchises

5. Daggerfall

hitman video game

With both Oblivion and Skyrim being lauded as some of the best RPGs of their respective generations, it's hard to imagine a time when the Elder Scrolls wasn't sort of leading the pack in terms of expansive open-world games.

But this was very much the case for Arena, the first instalment in the series.

It's worth saying that Arena was by no stretch of the imagination bad. It was a frontrunner of its time, innovating the world of gaming massively.

However, it was... pretty empty. Impressive, for sure - but empty.

Arena set up the capacity for a full, fascinating world, but Daggerfall was the entry that filled it with actual stuff, instead of it merely being all impressive day/night cycles and an engaging if slightly cliché storyline.

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