10 Brilliantly Written Characters Ruined By Game Mechanics

5. Arceus - Pokémon

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The sole concept of catching legendary Pokémon has always been pretty silly. It just doesn't seem right that ten-year-olds could capture creatures responsible for things like world-ending tsunamis or the actual space-time continuum and then pit them against Rattatas of random preschoolers.

However, there is one legendary Pokémon that really suffers from the battle and capture mechanics of the games: the literal god of the Pokémon world, Arceus.

Throughout the entire Pokémon franchise, Arceus has been portrayed as this enigmatic entity that created the universe. It's a figure of actual worship within the world, and he has always been shrouded in mystery.

That is, until a ten-year-old stuffs him into a Pokéball.

After that, Arceus is no better than your average Pokémon that can get hurt, poisoned, run out of moves, faint, and do many other not-so-godlike things.

There are so many questions that Pokemon mechanics raise when applied to Arceus. How does nurse Joy know how to heal a god? What impact would storing him on your PC have on the world?

Perhaps it's better not to look for answers, and perhaps Pokemon would be better off if Arceus remained just a myth.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.