10 Brilliantly Written Characters Ruined By Game Mechanics

4. Fi - Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword

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Back when Skyward Sword first came out, most critics were quick to point out the annoyance that was Fi. Her constant interruptions to give the player useless hints were somehow even more obnoxious than Navi's back in Ocarina of Time.

It also didn't help that the game would force her help onto you during pivotal moments, grinding the pacing to a painful halt.

The way in which Fi's character was handled is quite a shame, as according to some interviews with developers, Fi could've been to Link what Cortana is to Master Chief.

Nintendo's Hidemaro Fujibayashi said in 2011 that he envisioned Fi as the perfect companion for a silent protagonist like Link. She was supposed to be an all-knowing spirit of the Master Sword that would serve as both an assistant to Link, as well as a storyteller, providing context for newly visited locations and driving the narrative forward.

If these two functions were the only things Fi did in the game, her character would have complemented the story perfectly, instead of hindering it. She could have become just as likeable as Midna from Twilight Princess, but alas, what we got felt like an endless tutorial.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.