10 Brutal Video Game Opening Levels That GUARANTEED Game Over
2. Any Opening Level From Any FromSoftware Game

It's no secret that FromSoftware's action-RPG games are punishingly difficult by design, and they're also not in the business of in any way easing players into the experience.
From Dark Souls to Bloodborne to Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, every single one of their major recent releases has kicked off with players low on health and upgrades, unable to do much useful, and typically having no idea what the hell to do.
Oh, and these games will often throw a terrifyingly powerful boss at you before you've in any way prepared to take it on.
Perhaps their most brutal example to date is Sekiro, which starts out asking the player to ditch the combat and be as stealthy as possible, given that any enemy in the vicinity can one-hit-kill you with ease.
It somehow creates more of a recipe for a death screen than your typical FromSoft level, and actually left many considering whether Sekiro might even be too bloody hard for its own good.