10 Brutally Hard Areas Hidden In Video Games

2. The Challenge Cave - The Witness

Dark Souls Painted World of Ariamis
Thekla, Inc.

Jonathan Blow's ingenious puzzler The Witness sure as hell puts players through the wringer before they reach the end of the game, but because that's apparently not torture enough, it also includes an added optional challenge for those seeking out the true ending.

The Witness' ultimate test is literally called The Challenge, a series of puzzles hidden within a cave system on the island which are designed to test every skill you've honed over the course of the game.

The kick in the gonads is that the precise layout of these 14 puzzles is randomly generated, so beyond a few basic pointers there's absolutely no way for a guide or Let's Play to show you how to beat your version of The Challenge.

For some added pressure, it also happens to be timed and cannot be paused, ensuring that just 2.1% of PS4 players and 4.3% of Steam players have ever beaten it.

Seriously, don't even bother with this unless you're prodigiously skilled at codes and puzzles, because misery is otherwise inevitable.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.