10 Cancelled Video Games That Would Have Made Millions

2. Fallout Online

Platform: Microsoft Windows If you're even the tiniest bit familiar with the Fallout franchise, there's probably no explanation needed as to why - or how - this cancelled game would have made, like, a hundred million dollars in profit had it actually come to fruition. The original Fallout games - praised for their dense, imaginative and relentlessly entertaining open worlds - would have provided gamers with the perfect platform for a MMOG; unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be. So what happened? Pretty much, legal disputes killed this game. It's difficult to explain the ins and outs regarding Fallout Online's cancellation without getting into a muddle, but essentially the problem stemmed from that fact that Bethesda - who own Fallout - didn't want Interplay - the developer charged with creating Fallout Online - to make too many references to the Fallout universe. You can imagine how such a bizarre request might have complicated things. What could have been!

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.