10 Cancelled Video Games That Would Have Been GOTY

7. Prey 2

Indiana Jones Game
Human Head Studios

Science fiction holds a strong presence in gaming: Deus Ex and the Mass Effect series effectively pioneered the genre in the virtual plane, and even modern titles such as Dead Space and Alien Isolation hold a prominent position in the sphere. Even with these strong titles, Prey 2 could have matched them all had it not been relegated to the area I assume the unedited original Star Wars trilogy is held.

Playing as Killian Samuels, a US Marshall transported to an alien planet and having had his memories wiped, the game would have seen you take on jobs as a bounty hunter in a hostile city not unlike Blade Runner's LA inhabited by even scarier looking creatures than actual LA.

Obviously there would have been more going on, but one of its first trailers featuring the Johnny Cash song Rusty Cage was captivating beyond belief and it shot the number of eyes on the game to numerous digits. The gory but fluid shootouts, the grimy city, the towering behemoth at the end...

The trailer is still worth watching today, even if it leaves a bittersweet feeling as we hold the knowledge that Bethesda shelved Prey 2 out of fear for its quality. They also thought Fallout 76 was good enough to release. Hmm.


I'm Scott, and I enjoy all the great things nerd culture idolizes. What I enjoy more is talking about them!