10 Cancelled Video Games We Wish We Could Have Played

9. Zone Of The Enders 3

Zone of the enders jehuty

Zone of the Enders is one of those franchises that's fallen out of the cult-classic spotlight now, but older gamers still fondly remember and, more appropriately, mourn.

The two fast-paced mech shooters were produced by Hideo Kojima, but sadly didn't manage to find the audience they deserved, even with the cheeky marketing tactic of bundling the sequel with the demo for Metal Gear Solid 2: Son's Of Liberty, which did allegedly boost sales somewhat.

Kojima reportedly always wanted to make a third instalment, and development did begin, with the plans being to deliver a ZoE title that jumped around through time and different dimensions. Sadly, it was canned in 2013 due to the poor performance of Konami's remaster of the original titles.

There might have been hope at one point for a revival, but with Kojima going independent and Konami being Konami, I wouldn't hold your breath.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3