5. Courier Crisis (PlayStation)

The Box Art: We all know the stresses that a job like courier can bring upon a person - or do we? Not according to the box art generated by a nutcase working over at GT Interactive. Though this game was instantly recognized as bargain bin material by anybody who saw it taking up space on, like, an actual shelf, the box art is a real punch in the face. The only reason anybody would buy this after learning that they're going to have to play as such a loathsome, arrogant douchebag who punches civilians so he can "get his job done" is... well, that kind of person, presumably.
The Pitch: GT Marketing Man: "What's important is that we show just how taxing it is to be a courier. We need people to understand that being a courier also means you're willing to punch an innocent bystander in the face to get your job done. That's how we need to market this thing." GT Artist: "With an image of a courier punching a bystander in the face?" GT Marketing Man: "Exactly. Now who wants a Margarita?"