10 Celebrities Pointlessly Cast In Video Games

3. Liam Neeson - Fallout 3

Mortal Kombat 11 Sonya Blade Ronda Rousey
Bethesda/20th Century Fox

Much like Oblivion, here is another fine example of not using the talent you've forked out for. Have Bethesda really got that much disposable income?? Why not get your money's worth and give them a novel's worth of dialogue.

Digression aside, Neeson falls into the same character as the other Bethesda celebrity talent: having instantly recognisable star power, then failing to capitalise on it.

Given that the man behind Oskar Schindler and the iconic, "Particular set of skills" speech from Taken plays such a pivotal role in the game, he really doesn't get a lot of airtime.

As the father of your chosen protagonist, the player discovers that daddy dearest is working on a cure to purify water and help regrowth efforts. But, like most plot devices, he leaves early on and isn't seen again until the third act.

Seriously, Bethesda, why squander the talent you've managed to bag?


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.