10 Celebrities You Didn't Realise Were Hidden In Video Games

8. Jonathan Ross - Halo 3

Part of going supernova with your budget means the ability to pretty much do whatever you want when padding out the easter eggs of your game.

British TV host Jonathan Ross is known for being a huge nerd both on and off-screen, and so with Halo 3 he finally got the chance to live a dream many of us are jealous of - being part of a big-budget game. His voice is one of the hundreds of other clips that come out of your fellow marines' mouths during gameplay, so chances are you've either heard him amongst the crowd and not picked it out, or the game hasn't thrown his recordings your way at all.

His slightly nasal tones and London-to-Essex accent can sound pretty out of place, but for any who have seen his shows over the years this was a great find.

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