10 Celebrities You Didn't Realise Were Hidden In Video Games

6. Marilyn Manson - Area 51

When The Darkness landed in 2007 it was hailed as having exquisite graphics along with a fantastic voice performance as the titular malevolent force from Faith No More's Mike Patton.

However, two years prior it would be Marilyn Manson who brought another celestial entity to life - in Midway's fun alien-blaster Area 51 as the alien Edgar.

Manson's voice work is fantastic, with his lecherous lingering delivery translating perfectly from on-record to that of a tortured alien creature addressing the protagonist.

Sadly he's not done much voice work since, electing to let his songs do the talking.

One of which was the stomping 'Cruci-fiction in Space' which was used to promote the aforementioned Darkness title, so it all ties together in the end.

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