10 Celebrities You Didn't Realise Were Hidden In Video Games

4. Charlie Brooker - Sniper Elite 3

This is one of those 'blink and you'll miss it' sorts of cameos, as not only is he just on screen for a couple of seconds, but the mission Brooker appears in is only available as DLC set aside from the main game.

Sniper Elite 3 was actually a pretty tight experience regardless of some spotty A.I. issues, but the real draw in terms of who you'd want to plant a slow-motion bullet into came with the 'Hunt the Grey Wolf' pack, the climax of which saw you come scope-to-face with Hitler himself. It's when Hitler's finally arriving near the end of this mission that the scene opens with a close up on Brooker's face as an enemy guard, until he moves to the side. You're then supposed to plant one firmly between the eyes of the Fuhrer himself - or you can elect to blow Charlie's charlies off, it's up to you.

Either way, this is Game of the Year material right here.

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