10 Celebrities You Didn't Realise Were Hidden In Video Games

2. Robin Williams - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

The Legend of Zelda breath of the wild robin williams

Though Nintendo have never officially confirmed this, there’s more than enough evidence right in front of us that one of the many NPCs making their way around Hyrule is in fact a loving tribute to Robin Williams.

First is the fact it looks just like him, second is Nintendo also coding the likeness of Satoru Iwata onto another NPC existing near a touching garden space filled with cherry blossoms, and third was Nintendo responding to a fan petition to include Williams in an upcoming Zelda, back in 2014. They mentioned previous collaborations with Robin’s daughter Zelda, and how they would “hold memories of Robin close” going forward.

Obviously the next main Zelda post-2014 was Breath of the Wild, and if you journey to Foothill Stable you can find Williams - here called Dayto - going for peaceful walks and admiring the local wildlife.

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