Attaching the name of a celebrity to a video game title is never a good thing. To most experienced gamers, that is simply a warning that the game might be something they would want to avoid. And they would be right to do it. Statistically speaking, there is a pretty good chance that whatever video game it might be is just a rushed, buggy and unfinished attempt to cash in on the name power of celebs who are more than willing to plaster their face all over the game in exchange for a big, fat paycheck. The sad thing is that it works. Way too many people buy games because they see their favourite actor, athlete or musician on the cover as if they were actually involved in making the game - apart from signing a contract and then going to the bank. Even Mike Tyson was recently filmed playing Punch Out for the very first time 25 freaking years after it came out and that was actually a good game! Dont get us wrong; were not saying that featuring a celebrity in a video game is always a bad thing. In fact, it oftentimes provides us with very memorable characters and dialogue. Companies like Bethesda and Rockstar have used celebs in their games with a lot of success in the past. At this point, can you actually imagine anyone other than Ron Perlman narrating in Fallout? However, you might notice that here he is doing what he does best he is acting. Hes playing a role just like in a movie or TV show; hes not the central figure in a video game just to stroke his own ego and to boost sales. Some of you might have not even realised that he has been the voice of Fallout ever since the first game. So what is it about these games? What makes them suck? Usually, it is the fact that they are simply bad games regardless of the celeb on the cover. Other times, though, its also an issue of taking someone you like and putting them in a completely out-of-character context. Ok, so weve got a successful sitcom about an average, blue collar handyman. How do we make that into a videogame? Eh, lets just have him fight dinosaurs and break for lunch." Sounds good.
Radu recently left a boring job and now writes stuff on the internet. When he's not here he's probably writing for GeeKiez. He's into wrestling, video games and a ton of TV shows, as well as all things weird or science-y. Feel free to talk to him about this stuff on Twitter.