10 Challenging Video Game Boss Fights That Lead Directly Into Another One

2. Asura's Wrath - Wyzen

video game boss battles

This cross-genre anime-styled action game pits protagonist Asura against a pantheon of fellow demigods, and if that’s not a recipe for some incredible boss fights I don’t know what is. The most incredible among them is the increasingly enormous Wyzen, who Asura has to fight three times in a row.

First, you fight him at regular size – which is still pretty big, mind you – and you’ll have to be agile if you’re going to dodge his projectiles for long enough to get some damage in. Eventually, with victory seemingly secured, Asura punts Wyzen off a cliff. So he’s pretty much guaranteed dead… right?

That is, until a burst of light shines forth from beyond the cliff’s edge, and Wyzen rises from the chasm as a hundreds-of-feet-tall behemoth, towering above everything below. And if you thought that was big, just wait until his third and final phase, where Wyzen expands to the size of a planet. Calling upon the power of the Mantra held within him, the already oversized overlord becomes a true god, casting a shadow over Gaea itself. But through sheer force of will and strength of fists, Asura is able to destroy Wyzen once and for all. Asura might literally be too angry to die.


Patch is a pop culture enthusiast and purveyor of puns. He writes about media in a vague attempt to justify the alarming amount of time he spends consuming it. Nobody's convinced... but nobody's told him that yet. He spends his spare time working on Portal 2: Desolation, an ambitious fan-made sequel to Valve's beloved puzzle games.