10 Character Builds That BROKE Open-World Games

7. Immortal Build - Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Spider-Man 2018
Capcom & YouTube: RageGamingVideos

With the release of any new Monster Hunter game comes a fleet of obsessive players committed to creating character builds which are more-or-less indestructible - that is to say, no monster can deal enough damage to take them down.

And following the release of last year's Monster Hunter Rise expansion Sunbreak, the fine folk at RageGamingVideos released their latest "immortal" build, which allows players to deal monstrous amounts of relentless damage while never having to stop to heal.

In the video, RageGamingVideos explains that they combine active skills like Defense Boost, Divine Blessing, Recovery Speed/Up, Kushala Blessing, Blood Rite, Furious, and Spiribird's Call together with a complimentary armour and weapon set to ensure their health continually recovers faster than they can ever be harmed.

This means that players can keep hacking away with wanton abandon without needing to keep an eye on their health gauge or worry about carting (aka being KO'd by a monster).

Once you've got this build set up, prepare to cackle with glee as you effortlessly take on anything the game throws at you.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.