10 Character Builds That BROKE Open-World Games

2. Ultimate Damage - Marvel's Spider-Man

Spider-Man 2018

If you want to play Marvel's Spider-Man on Ultimate difficulty without tearing your hair out, you need to have one hell of an organised build. Thankfully, this setup from YouTuber RJordie basically allows players to deal out eye-watering levels of damage at an unprecedented rate.

RJordie's presets for Peter Parker's suit allow the player to easily dodge enemies and beat them down fast, all while keeping their focus bar crucially topped up for the next engagement.

On Ultimate difficulty builds like this turn challenging encounters into a sheer breeze - in the below video, watch as the tricky Silver Sable boss fight is dealt with in 20 seconds flat.

Most regular enemies can meanwhile be incapacitated in 1-3 hits if you follow RJordie's loadout, which is perfect for players who want to string together brutal attacks against a large swath of foes.

If you swore off Ultimate difficulty on a count of it being too damn hard, give it another go with this build and you'll be laughing.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.