10 Character Builds That Broke Recent Video Games

9. Corpse Explosion Necromancer - Diablo IV

Diablo 4

Necromancers are the most overpowered class in Diablo IV, with skills like Decompose and Reap having the power to completely eviscerate most enemies right out the gate. However, where things get completely outlandish is with the class' ability to turn corpses into living bombs that they can launch at opponents.

The Corpse Explosion skill is part of Corpse Cluster on the Necromancer tree and is easily the most fun thing in the game. Corpse Explosion can be upgraded across five ranks, dealing up to a 70% multiplier on all damage. There is also the opportunity for players to enhance this skill, widening the radius of the AoE explosion, dealing more damage to enemies that are stunned or slowed or even transferring across as a Darkness skill to stack Shadow damage.

The ability only becomes available with the Corpse & Macabre level of the skill tree, making it more of a mid-to-late game unlock. Still, skills such as Decompose should be more than enough to keep a Necromancer build ticking over until it becomes available.

One of the most scalable and versatile AoE builds in Diablo IV, Corpse Explosion has become instrumental in Detonator, Blightlord, Bloodshadow and Spirit Bomb Necromancer builds.

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Diablo 4
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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.