10 Character Builds That BROKE Video Games - Commenter Edition

2. Deputy Salvador - Borderlands 2

borderlands 2 deputy salvador

Not only did we get in trouble with you guys for not including any Borderlands builds on our last list, you guys repeatedly asked where the Salvador builds were specifically so to mend that absence, here is one of the best builds in Borderlands 2, Deputy Salvador.

Salvador is uniquely impressive in Borderlands 2 because as a Gunzerker, he can be a total powerhouse if specced correctly.

It’s pretty universally accepted by Borderlands 2 players that Deputy Sal is up there with the best builds in the game. Unlike some game-breaking builds, this one is equally effective against both mobs and bosses. You’ll be set up to land consecutive Moneyshot hits while maximising survivability. It may seem like an odd build at first as you’ll need to dodge a bunch of Sal’s best skills but this is because you’ll be setting up the entire skill tree to complement the Moneyshot skill.

Pair this build with weapons like the Grog Nozzle or Orphan Maker and use the Deputy’s badge relic and you’ll be all set to wreak some serious havoc.

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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.