10 Characters That Should Be Added To Marvel's Avengers

6. The Wasp

Marvel's Avengers Doctor Strange Black Panther
Marvel Studios

While Hank Pym has been seen in a couple of the Avengers trailers by this point, it's still unclear as to whether he'll actually be playable or not. So why not add in Janet as well? It's not like she takes up much room, after all.

The shape shifting and size mechanics is one that hasn't been seen in any gameplay videos as of yet, so the Wasp would be a much needed addition to plug that particular gap.

As far as her powers are concerned, she's one of the most unique, focusing not on brute strength, hand to hand combat, or technological power like every other hero, but on the weird and wonderful world of physics. How exciting.

It'd also be another great way to show off more enemy types and arenas, highlighting the minute over the massive. We've seen helicarriers and giant robots galore so far, but how about fighting inside an old Pot Noodle container? Anyone? No?

Adding in Janet would also be good way to stop the Avengers turning into just another boys club, with Ms. Marvel and Black Widow being the only confirmed women to appear in game. Come on, Square Enix, give the gals some love too.


Currently attempting to convert the desire to play video games into the desire to work.