10 Classic PC Video Games That Have Only Improved With Age

6. System Shock

Fallout 2
Irrational Games

System Shock 2 – released in 1999, the thematic precursor to Bioshock – was a wonderful amalgamation of survival horror and conventional RPG elements, creating a completely unique experience. In the game, players assume the role of an unnamed amnesiac, implanted with a cyber neural interface, required to join forces with a powerful artificial intelligence in order to prevent untold destruction.

The game’s objective was to overcome situations using an innovative development system in which players could modify their abilities depending on the situation, customising their experiences depending on their personal preference.

In fact, seeing as how the experience can vary depending on which abilities are advanced, there is limitless potential in replaying the game numerous times. Thus, the game completely holds up, because its welcomes multiple playthroughs, designed with longevity in mind. Honestly, you could play the game a dozen times, but there’s always more to discover, new strategies to consider.


Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.