10 Classic Video Games (That Have Aged Horribly)

2. Goldeneye

goldeneye natalya

It feels wrong to speak ill of Goldeneye. To do so feels like betraying a longtime friend that you promised you would remain loyal to forever.

Goldeneye is not unique in the way that age has hindered its once innovative ways. Playing it recently, what struck me most about the game is how limited the player actually is. The free aim system that is in place is far too clunky to be your primary mode of play, meaning that most of the gameplay is limited to auto targeting shooting that asks little more from you than to point yourself in vaguely the right direction as your enemies and start pulling the trigger. There is little feeling of actual participation.

What separates Goldeneye from a pack of other games that suffer from such aging issues is how significant of a role the game had in many people's lives. It created friendships as well as lasting memories, and to this day the phrase "Goldeneye Parties" can summon the goofiest smile on the surliest face. The memories that people have of this game are as tangible as the game itself and that makes trying to go back to it a shocking experience.

Much like Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, the things that Goldeneye did well at the time deserve to be remembered. It is important, however, to realize that the game itself is a relic of another time and that continuing to compare modern experiences to your memories of the game - rather than the game itself - is a disservice to how much the medium has advanced.


An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.