10 Clear-Cut Examples Of Video Game False Advertising

4. Anthem

No Man's Sky

Who remembers Anthem? Before Marvel's Avengers was stinking up the live service scene, EA and Bioware's Anthem was disappointing audiences worldwide. The game had a long and troubled production, spending the majority of its 7 year development changing its concept and bouncing from team to team.

In 2017, EA released their gameplay trailer for Anthem, very little of which actually made it into the final game. The trailer showed a dynamic world with seamless loading times alongside an active world with moving bases and unique background events going between the various species.

Of course when Anthem finally released it contained next to none of these features. The "campaign" was a series of repetitive, loosely connected missions, coupled with a multitude of technical glitches. To make matters worse, what was presented to audiences as a gameplay demo was actually a proof of concept for the game, far from representative of the final product.

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No Man's Sky
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I'm just a man who spent £40K on a marketing degree, and then decided to write about comic books. I think I made the right choice.