10 Clear-Cut Examples Of Video Game False Advertising

2. No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky
Hello Games

At this point No Mans Sky is more closely associated with false advertising than anything else. Across the game's development, a lot of very large promises were made, with the game's developer Sean Murray saying the game was capable of just about everything.

And then the game actually released. And Sean Murray's rich arrray of promises fell flat. The vast universe was definitely there, but it was mostly a large, empty, procedurally generated space with little to engage players. And those were just the promised features that actually made into the game.

The game made so many false promises, that it found itself on the receiving end of a lawsuit for false advertising. Alongside this it became the most negativley reviewed game in Steam history and actually made the platform change their refund policy, specifically for No Man's Sky. The only reason No Man's Sky doesnt find itself at the top of this list is because it eventually fixed the majority of these issues. Unlike our next entry.

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No Man's Sky
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I'm just a man who spent £40K on a marketing degree, and then decided to write about comic books. I think I made the right choice.