10 Co-Op Video Games That Created More Enemies Than Friends

2. New Super Mario Bros. Wii U Grants Unlimited Troll Powers

Wii u fail

One day a Nintendo game designer had the brilliant idea to incorporate the Wii U€™s tablet controller into the Mario experience by allowing its user to manipulate the game environment to help their fellow players. €œNo doubt,€ they surely thought, €œthis will lead to a new era of creative cooperation for the Mario franchise.€ Instead, what followed was a horrific display of the worst elements of humanity.

Players everywhere suddenly realized that the ability to place platforms on a level could not only be used to aid their friends but hinder them from ever making progress. Soon even the most impressive of Mario runs were undone by gamers placing a lone platform right at the apex of a jump so that their friend fell down a precarious pit.

Many co-op games allow for an element of cheeky destructiveness among players. Only New Super Mario Bros. Wii U was careless enough to bestow the most vindictive of co-op players with the power of a troll god.

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An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.