10 Consistently Amazing Video Game Voice Actors

1. Troy Baker

Troy BakerMost Known For: The Last of Us, Bioshock: Infinite, Resident Evil 6, and one absurdly promising career Troy Baker is relatively new to the video game scene but in one year alone he has made one of the largest impressions in the industry since ever. He was exceptional in previous games such as Catherine and Resident Evil 6 ( he would make Wesker proud) but this year takes the cake in phenomenal performances. Troy plays protagonists in both Bioshock: Infinite and The Last of Us hitting grand slams with performance that deserve award recognition. He is without a doubt the hardest working voice actor working and the closest thing to a leading man in gaming. If you do not believe me just watch the 90 minute making of documentary for The Last of Us where he showcases the dark and terrifying state of mind he went to portraying the more emotional scenes. You can continue following Troy Baker later this year tacking the role of Batman€™s legendary rival The Joker or next year as Ocelot in Metal Gear Solid V. Troy Baker€™s reign is only beginning and I for one, am loving it. Who are your current favorite voice actors? Let us know below!
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I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.