10 Controversial Ways Gamers Are Ruining Gaming

3. Nitpicking Animations

You know nitpicking has gotten too far when fans start attacking Bethesda for glitches in their works. Bethesda - the studio that literally made their name on massive, unpolished, content-based titles - for allowing some facial textures to bug out in Fallout 4. Somehow forgetting the widespread acclaim the studio's main last-gen titles received - namely Fallout 3 and Skyrim - despite possessing countless bugs, glitches and texture pop-ins, both these games managed to endear thousands, win numerous GOTY awards and in-turn enshrine themselves as pop-culture mainstays of the medium. Not that you'd know this, considering the community's domineering expectation was that somehow the company would push out a title devoid of some of the flaws that contributed to its predecessors' successes in the first place. So, when Fallout 4 did release back in November, some very vocal gamers found themselves incensed by the apparent abundance of glitches and animated anomalies that had wormed their way into release - despite having no reassurances from Bethesda that somehow Fallout's fourth entry would buck the trends of its past releases. Not that there aren't problems with the sequel of course, but there are plenty of more legitimate criticisms that don't revolve around the presence of inconsequential glitches.
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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.