10 Controversies That Have ALREADY Hurt Pokemon Sword & Shield

7. Wingull ‘Flying’

Pokemon Sword Shield
Game Freak

Similar to the trees, Wingull’s ‘flying’ in the trailer has been a cause for concern. Essentially, it’s that it’s not flying at all, but moving around in the air, t-posing.

It’s long been canon that Wingull flaps its long, thin wings to fly, but even if they were going for swooping or gliding, it would be far more lifelike than Wingull’s current drifting in a fixed pose.

Adding to this, battle animations again are set to be standard jumping on the spot, rather than depicting any actual attack. Let’s Go had some variety of animations, though it didn’t always seem natural, but way back in Pokémon Stadium, each move was realistically built in the game.

Previous DS versions have shown attacks in the menu, but had the standard jumping up and down in the actual battle. As the Switch offers up much more power, it’s disappointing that this isn’t being utilised for either the graphics or the attack animations.

There’s nothing to suggest the base gameplay will suffer, but it still feels very off that the graphics aren’t being upgrased for what’s set to be a massive entry in the series.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)